Tuesday, June 10, 2008

They have Sophie Wei!!!

I couldn't sleep, I've been up all night, because we agreed to try and Skype at 4:00 am. I saw that they had logged onto Skype at 2:30 am so I called their hotel. I got them right away, so Rick called me on Skype. We talked for about a half an hour. Oh my goodness, Sophie is so amazing! She's happy, a little bit talkative, smiley, and eating snacks like crazy! Rick said that she was very happy to see them, and knew them right away! She loved seeing the girls on the computer, and kept trying to touch them. They are all exhausted. Simone was already asleep. They are going to bed now. It's almost 8:00 pm there. All is well. Here are the first two emails I received from Michele a couple of hours ago. I'm going to try and get some sleep now, although my girls are awake because they are so excited! I haven't slept yet tonight! (Or is it still tonight???) ~Becca

Here are the emails from Michele:

We got her.

As we were just leaving the airport they said we were going there right now!! Very emotional and she is very loved. We are impressed.

My Mom and I started to cry! I just knew some thing was UP with all of the changes.

xoxo, Michele, Rick, Simone and Sophie Wei Wei

sorry so short but the girls need me and rick went to go get her a bottle because they still give her one and we did not bring any.

This is AMAZING!! More details in a few minutes or an hour!


rk said...

I can't sleep either. A million things are going through my head, and your time in China is one of them. I am praying for you all the time, and full of joy for you and your family. This is such a blessing to share in your journey. It also brings back so many memories and feelings of our experiences. Makes me understand how Beth must have felt to be state side. I feel Beth's heart coming through in Becca's. WE ALL WANT TO BE WITH YOU SO BAD!!! But, at the same time know it is most important for you to have this time alone. Sounds like bonding is happening fast. Of course, Sophie is a HOUSTON!!! Woo Hoo! We know you are going to be at many meetings, on the go, traveling a lot, but any moment you have to spar to update is SAVORED on this end. Only do it if it works - just want you to know we are celebrating with you!!! PARTY!!! Yippee, and yahoo!!!

rk said...

Ok, now I'm a wreck! Just sobbin' like a baby. I am so, so, so happy for you!!!

"A Small Gift, but Well-Timed" said...

Wow! Huge answer to prayers. I can't believe you got her sooooo fast! Yeah God! I woke up at 4:00 this morning with all of you on my heart (must have been because you were all on the phone). I'm at school working now (got here at 5:00) trying to get caught up. Enjoy your time with Sophie! We miss you! Beth, Jonathan, Nicholas and Charlotte

Kimberlee Adolph said...

happy tears over here are being shed for you.. we love you all so much! knowing you have her, maybe now we can sleep!

C&C BOGGS said...

I have been thinking about you ever since our phone call Sunday a.m. and checking for that one update we have all been waiting for. So happy to hear your travels were safe and you finally have Sophie in your arms. I pray that the rest of your time in China and your travels home are safe. Looking forward to your return home and getting to meet Sophie! Hugs to all! Love you guys very much!

P.S. Thank you Becca for the updates and info! You are great!

Andrea said...

I just LOVE that Sophie knew you when she saw you. That is so AMAZING!!! Can't wait to meet her and Simone with her sister!

Anonymous said...

Dear Houston Family of FOUR!
You have been in my mind and heart for so long and especially the last few days as this extraordinary event has gotten closer and FINALLY arrived. Sophie, you are absolutely the luckiest little girl. Your mom and dad witll love you with all their hearts and souls as they love your big sister, Simone. Your big sister Simone is beautiful and so are you...WE ALL LOVE YOU SO MUCH ALREADY and can't wait to meet you. We will pray for your safe return to Washington State and your Prune Hill Family.