Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jordans Place

On our walk back from the Doctors Appointment we ran into this nice guy. We started talking and then he said, "have you been here before?" We said yes. He said, "I thought I remember you, you purchased many scrolls from me??" We said did you work over there on that street in Jennifer's Place?? He said, "YES! I thought I remembered you but your little girl is big now."

So here we are in the above photo with Jordan from Jordan's Place. His shop is on the third street from the White Swan. After talking we remembered him too. We did purchase many scrolls from him last time. What he does is put your name on the scroll in English then also write the Chinese Character on it. What a fun reunion. He is the only one we have seen that we made friends with three years ago. Most other workers have moved on.
I love every thing about this statue.

After we got back to the hotel we had to do more paper work so we started to do it in the lobby....after remembering how much more we needed to do Rick and my Mom took the girls up stairs and then Rick went to bring lunch in for them while I wrapped up the Sophie Wei's Visa application and other paper work. Almost done with that paper work, for now :O)

Sophie Wei!
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1 comment:

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

That guy has a good memory... as for those frogs... I will take the one on the right - NOT!