Thursday, July 10, 2008

Special Gifts

When we arrived home from China a package awaited us on the counter! When I looked I noticed it was for Sophie Wei and Simone. It was from Denise and Maggie!

I met Denise through her blog and she is the mother to five adorable children. Here daughter Maggie is from the same Orphanage as Sophie Wei in Chengdu!! She answered a lot of questions about Chengdu, etc. She also gave us one photo of Sophie Wei that she received from her disposable camera that she sent to the Orphanage.

I also followed her while she was in Chengdu and Guangzhou. It was so neat to see photos of the places they went while in Chengdu knowing that we would be there soon.

I also enjoyed reading her posts about Why Special Needs. Part One and Part Two. If anyone is reading this and is considering and have not made up your mind you need to read this! Reading about their blessing will bring tears to your eyes.

Thanks Denise for thinking of our girls. You are so thoughtful!!!!!!! God Bless YOU and Your Family!!

Here is part of the Big Sister Gift that they sent Simone. She loved every thing about the Fairy Set!!! You can tell by the smile on her face.
And her bling ring :O)
The cute dress they sent Sophie Wei.
Fun lady bug bowl, plate, fork and spoon. We love lady bugs at our house!!!
Maybe this Fairy Wand will work as a spoon.
The girls were snacking on some liquorish.

Thanks again Denise and Maggie.
Photos taken on June 23rd, 2008.


Denise said...

You are so welcome! I love seeing Sophie and Simone having so much fun together. Thank you for your kind words...I am feeling sick and you lifted my spirits~

Shana said...

Oh, your girls are too adorable!!! And that was so sweet of Denise. Isn't it incredible what great friends we make through this community? :)

Regarding your question on my blog... it's an antique settee. Funny that you should mention it... I am really regretting having it re-upholstered. That fabric looked so pretty in that room (which will now be the baby's).

Hit the antique stores & have a great weekend!

Hugs, Shana :)

rk said...

This is so way cool! And your comments on Beth's blog made my day.

We just returned from our family vacation with virtually no cell/internet. Am soooo happy to be back to civilization to check in on blogs. Here's my link to our vacation if interested:


rk said...

I'm going to comment on Denise's blog and let her know I'm adding her to my link list. What a great friendship you've made! So cool! God is good.


rk said...

Added Shana to my link list too. You have made some great friends. So awesome!
